Rusty Lark
Calendulauda rufaFAMILY
Ducks, Geese, and Waterfowl
(94 years)
Least Concern
Rusty Lark, or Rusty Bush Lark, is a very poorly-known lark found in arid savannas of Niger, Chad, and Sudan. The last documented records of the species are specimens collected in what is now Niger in 1931.
Last Documented
The last documented records of Rusty Lark are specimens collected by George Latimer Bates in Niger in May 1931. Bates listed the location as "Tawa, north of Sokoto" which probably corresponds to the modern Tahoua region. A possible photo of the Rusty Lark from 2017, that has since been reevaluated, meant that this species was not included in early versions of the Lost Birds list.
Rusty Lark is also called Rusty Bush Lark. Prior to being placed in the genus Calendulauda it was included classified as a species in the genus Mirafra. For details on the systematics see the Birds of the World species account.
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